Thursday, October 30, 2008

If you live in CA- please Vote No on Prop 8

Now is the time to donate. Let your support be known.

To see more of these pro-"no on prop 8" ads, check out Looky Daddy!


Gillian said...

I have to admit, after seeing this post I had to look up Prop 8, because I don't think the ad is clear. I assumed (correctly) that you wouldn't be against gay marriage, but this particular ad makes it look like the photo album should begin with a picture of a man and a woman tying the knot.

Anyway, if I lived in CA I would vote no on 8. Kidding! I can't vote b/c I'm Canadian. Incidentally, gay marriage is legal up there.

amy said...

I can see that being a little off.. it's more of a photo album should begin with a wedding picture, no matter who you are. I liked the sentiment more than some of the other more obvious ones..
Maybe I'll add a little pro-gay marriage/anti-constitutional amendment against people commentary. It was just late last night...

Did you vote in the Canadian election? That just happened, no?

Gillian said...

The Canadian election did just happen and I did vote! It's weird there - the Prime Minister can call an election whenever he's feeling it within the four-year term. So if the party ratings are good 2 years in, call an election and chances are you'll get another 4 years.

I wish I could vote here. Instead I'll be anxiously chewing on my cuticles and waiting for the FL panhandle polls to close.

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